How to Change your Friend Profile Picture on WhatsApp

Welcome to HackingTube. Today we are going to talk about " How to change your friend profile picture on WhatsApp ". This feature is not enabled by WhatsAapp actually, We have to do a little trick to do that but this is a really interesting trick. We can prank our friends by changing their WhatsApp profile picture on our phone. Instead of real WhatsApp profile picture we can use any image to set their profile picture. So, to know how to do that exactly read the full post written below. 

How to Change your Friend Profile Picture on WhatsApp

1. Open WhatsApp on your phone and search for contact whose profile picture you want to change.

2. Open his/her profile picture in full screen so, that profile picture could get saved in to your device.

3. Go to the file manager of your device and search for WhatsApp folder.

4. In WhatsApp folder go to Media>WhatsApp profile photos

5. Now just copy the Name of the photo which you want to change.

6. Now come back to the photo which you want to set as your friends profile picture and rename with Name of orignal profile picture .

7. Now copy the picture which you want to set as your friends profile picture and past it in to WhatsApp profile photos.

8. While pasting photo, It will ask with for overright permission just click on ok.

9. Now you frinds profile picture will get change.

10. Enjoy the trick.

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